Friday, April 11, 2008

Bill Bailey's Diner

JP and Myrtle
The Cooks
The Gangsters

The Banker
Ms Caboodle and her rowdy class
Limo Driver, the rich JP and Myrtle
Tiffany as the Limo Driver

Last night Tiffany's school put on a play called Bill Baileys Diner. Tiffany goes to a small Christian school and she has been practicing for the last few weeks. I was unsure how a small school would pull off this play. I have to say this was one of the best plays I have ever attended. The setting was a restaurant where the evening cleaning lady befriended a homeless person. She was always so kind to him, and her motto was "all we need is God's love". While everyone else in the restaurant would throw him out and look down upon him, she always fed and showed him love and kindness. The scenes in the program were both thought provoking and funny. We laughed so hard. Toward the end of the program JP had an aunt who left a big inheritance to him. He repaid Myrtle for her kindness by giving her a new wardrobe, car and home. Tiffany's part was the limo driver who got to tell Myrtle about the blessings being bestowed upon her her, for all her love and kindness she had shown toward JP.

We are so proud of Tiffany as she is moving from one stage in her life to another.

Way to go Tiff!! We love you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sounds as if life is treating you well, and proud you should be!

The Forseen's