Saturday, April 26, 2008


Sweet girl
I am not so sure about this swimming thing

Splashing :)
blowing bubbles
having fun :)
Why am I wearing shorts in the water?

Today was a beautiful day for a swim. Tiana has been bugging me for a swimming pool since she went swimming with her cousins last week. So yesterday we bought a kiddie pool with a slide. I put water in it late yesterday evening and she insisted on getting in. The water was very cold, but she and Connor played in it for about 30 minutes. Fast forward to this morning, the first thing out of her mouth was " I go swimming, mommy?" I told her she would have to wait a little while as it was too early and I needed to get a few things done inside first. During the course of the morning she must have ask at least 50 times. :) Finally it was time to go. She had a blast. Connor on the other hand is not so sure. He does not understand the concept of leaving his swimming suit on when he gets in the water, and it totally escapes him, once the suit is wet, why one would continue to wear it ;) Needless to say its going to take him some time to get use to this swimming thing. lol!!!!

Hope you enjoy todays photos. :)


jodyfoznot said...


I love the little ones' new hair cuts! Lily and Seth haven't cut their hair yet (or each other's hair!) and for that I'm thankful. But Tiana's little bob is adorable, so maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all!

We were starting to have some nice weather here in MI, but it turned cold again, lows of 30's and 40's. Brr. Enjoy that Texas sunshine!

Tiana looks is just so precious! I just love her! And Connor is gorgeous! You have four very beautiful children!


Ohilda said...


Oh my gosh, your kids are both ADORABLE! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Connor's sweet face, and well, you know I've always been a Tiana fan. :)

Anna Grace wasn't a big fan of the water either, she is now (almost a year later) starting to enjoy it.

